We put people at the centre

For more than 20 years we have been helping to unleash the potential of every person, orienting them to the job market and accompanying them in their career development. We explore pathways of both personal and professional growth because we believe in work as a tool for empowerment and social inclusion.
You can contact us for the following services:

Work support

we facilitate access to the world of work by communicating the most interesting opportunities

Targeted placement

we offer work support to people with disabilities and support them in maintaining their employment

Support for skills certification

we help you to discover the skills acquired outside of formal education to know what to focus on when looking for a job

Orientation desk

we help you to define a professional project and identify the skills to enhance and the opportunities to seize

Work placement

Together we overcome the challenges and difficulties that may arise when entering a new working context

Work integration

We create employment opportunities for people with psychiatric fragilities through targeted placement and active employment policy programs


we support young people throughout the training internship process, preventing any critical issues in the relationship with companies

Personalized design

we define the best strategies for entering or re-entering the job market, improving your professional situation and increasing your skills

Request an on-site interview

Let’s evaluate all job and training opportunities together to unleash your potential

Exar Social Value Solutions – Social Enterprise Ltd.

Registered office

Via Sebastiano Valfrè, 16 – 10121 Turin, Italy

Administrative Offices
and General Management

Via A. Vespucci, 2 – 10128 Turin –
Tel. 011 2207967

VAT and tax identification number 11438550011
REA Registration TO – 1213525
Chap. Soc. Euro 100,000.00 i.v.
info@exarsolutions.it info@exarsolutions.it exarsolutions@legalmail.it


©2022 Exar Solutions